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2018 China Automotive Industry Forum Opens to Follow New Industry Trends


From August 31st to September 2nd, 2018, the China Automotive Industry Development (TEDA) International Forum was grandly opened in Tianjin. The theme of this forum is "40 years of reform and opening up to start a new journey for the industry" as the annual theme. More than 1,000 guests from all walks of life at home and abroad, including leaders of national ministries and commissions, high-level enterprise groups, authoritative experts and scholars, gathered in Tianjin to deepen reform and expansion of the automotive industry Opening up and offering ideas to escort the healthy development of the automotive industry.

2018 China Automotive Industry Forum Opens to Follow New Industry Trends

Forum scene

At this session of the TEDA Automotive Forum, many auto industry development consensuses have been formed, and an authoritative voice has been issued to promote the high-quality development of the auto industry. Yu Kai, Chairman of China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd. made an important speech at the opening ceremony of the conference and suggested focusing on three major issues: First, the liberalization of automotive joint ventures can accelerate the differentiation of the industry. Chinese brands must pass input and output, A virtuous cycle of R & D and the market can only win competitiveness through active adjustment and bold innovation. Second, under the background of severe transportation problems, environmental problems and energy problems, the new energy vehicle sharing ecology will be more prosperous in the future. Third, the Chinese automobile industry should be brave enough to break down industry divisions, eliminate market barriers, innovate industrial systems, production methods and application models, promote cooperation between automobiles and other industries such as the Internet, and enhance the entire industry's innovation and value chains.

I. New Year of Policy, Authorities of Multiple Government Departments Pass on Policy Trends

2018 China Automotive Industry Forum Opens to Follow New Industry Trends

The current TEDA Automotive Forum continued to invite leaders of relevant government departments such as the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and the Environment, and the Ministry of Commerce to interpret the guiding role of policy regulation on the development of the automotive industry from various policy levels Passing policy orientation.

Nian Yong, director of the Industry Coordination Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, pointed out that to promote the high-quality development of the industry, one must actively respond to the general trend of global industrial reform, the second is to promote the improvement of technological innovation capabilities, and the third is to strive to create a standardized and orderly market. Environment, the next step is that the National Development and Reform Commission will introduce the implementation of the intelligent vehicle innovation and development strategy as soon as possible, and implement the implementation and implementation of investment regulations for the automobile industry as soon as possible. There is a drop; the Deputy Director of the Department of High-tech Development and Industrialization of the Ministry of Science and Technology continued to reveal that the Ministry of Science and Technology will focus on two major areas during the late 13th and 14th five-year periods, one is the research and development of on-board hydrogen fuel technology, and strengthening power batteries The improvement of technology is the second is the building of system capacity in the areas of autonomous driving and intelligent transportation; Qu Guochun, deputy director of the Equipment Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, focuses on the three major concerns of new energy vehicles, intelligent connected vehicles and access management that the industry is most concerned about. Topics, put forward specific management ideas in 13 aspects, such as the plan to develop fuel in new energy Pool car demonstration operation, smart cars should accelerate road testing, road motor vehicle manufacturers and product access license management measures are expected to be released this year; Song Qiuling, deputy director of the Ministry of Finance's Economic Construction Department, pointed out that in the future the Ministry of Finance's subsidies for new energy vehicles The overall thinking will continue to adhere to the core ideas of supporting the best, and will also establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism and continue to raise the technical threshold; Xiao Rongchen, director of the Department of Market System Construction of the Ministry of Commerce, proposed that the reform of the automobile circulation system will be promoted in four major areas; Wang Tao, deputy director of the Department of Atmospheric Environment Management of the Ministry of Environment, delivered a speech on topics such as upgrading emissions and winning the defense of the blue sky.

2018 China Automotive Industry Forum Opens to Follow New Industry Trends

Second, the guest lineup reached a new high, releasing the strongest voice in the industry

In addition to the leaders of government departments, this forum also has more than 200 high-level domestic and foreign mainstream automotive enterprise groups and parts companies, and more than 50 domestic and foreign authoritative think tank experts attended the conference.

1. Twenty domestic and foreign mainstream enterprise groups jointly plan for future development

At this forum, all the leaders of domestic automobile companies have all attended. Among them, An Tiecheng, deputy general manager of Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd., Xu Heyi, chairman of Beijing Automotive Group Co., Ltd., Zhu Huarong, president of Changan Automobile, Feng Xingya, general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd. and Huang Wensheng, vice president of Sinopec, discussed the new era. Issues related to deepening the reform of Chinese auto and component companies to achieve sustainable high-quality development have introduced the new ideas, new plans and new strategies formulated by their respective companies at the critical moment of high-quality development.

2018 China Automotive Industry Forum Opens to Follow New Industry Trends

In addition, at this forum, leaders of first-class multinational car companies such as Nissan, Honda, BMW, and Porsche shared their cross-border resource integration and optimization in China, adjustments and layout of product and technology deployment, new business development and model innovation. And other development results and plans.

2. More than ten new power companies join hands to discuss new formats

The development of new business forms such as new energy vehicles, intelligent connected cars, and shared cars has attracted much attention from the industry. This forum especially expanded the scope of invitations for emerging car manufacturers and Internet companies. More than 10 companies including Weilai Automobile, Xiaopeng Automobile, and Byton Automobile Business leaders joined hands to talk about joint ventures and cooperation in the new era. They provided different ideas for cross-border integration and integration of the industry chain inside and outside and vertical and horizontal of the automotive industry, and jointly discussed joint ventures and cooperation in the fields of new energy vehicles and smart vehicles. New opportunities, new trends, and talk about the future of new formats.

2018 China Automotive Industry Forum Opens to Follow New Industry Trends

3. Hall-level experts and scholars, academicians of the two academies contribute high-quality ideas. The TEDA Automotive Forum also attracted the active participation of many domestic and foreign authoritative experts and scholars. Among them, there are many hall-level experts and scholars, academicians of the two academies, and the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Sun Fengchun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, shared the new research results in his field on topics such as the current hot new energy, and contributed a high-quality ideological collision to the development of the automotive industry.

In addition, academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering Guo Konghui, Chinese Academy of Engineering Su Wanhua, Chinese Academy of Engineering Li Jun, and other academicians from the fields of internal combustion engines, new energy, and intelligent networking also provided strong intellectual support for this forum.

Recognition of outstanding figures in the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up

2018 China Automotive Industry Forum Opens to Follow New Industry Trends

The history of industrial development during the 40 years of reform and opening up. The Autobots in it have worked hard to create a glorious history of entrepreneurship and compose a hymn of the times. "China Automotive Industry Commends Outstanding Persons in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening Up" jointly conducted by China Automotive Technology & Research Center Co., Ltd., China Automotive Engineering Society, China Council for the Promotion of International Automobile The "Conference" was held during the TEDA Automotive Forum. 161 outstanding autobots were commended, and carried forward the lofty spirit of hard work and dedication of the autobots. The whole industry was greatly encouraged and moved.

Four, diligently create new conference form and content highlights

Exploration never stops and promotion never ends. The vitality of TEDA Automotive Forum lies in continuous innovation. The 2018 TEDA Automotive Forum created three new highlights of the new conference format and content:

2018 China Automotive Industry Forum Opens to Follow New Industry Trends

1. Examine the situation from the perspective of the world and transfer advanced international experience.

For the first time, we planned and organized bilateral dialogues between governments, industries, and enterprises between China and Japan, fully shared the experience gained, exchanged the next development measures, and effectively guided the future of Sino-Japanese cooperation.

2. Add TEDA viewpoints to better convey the voice of the industry.

In order to better convey the industry's voice, this forum changed the form of VIP closed-door meetings in the past, and added an open meeting, TEDA Viewpoint, to invite well-known experts to discuss how capital operations can promote technological upgrading and model innovation in the automotive industry, opening up new opportunities for the guests. Development ideas.

3. Deepen form innovation and make the discussion more targeted.

2018 China Automotive Industry Forum Opens to Follow New Industry Trends

We will deepen the innovation of conference formats, add conferences such as thematic summits, hotspot analysis, and focus perspectives, and conduct targeted discussions and exchanges on topics of common concern to the industry. The discussions will be fuller and more representative.

Carrying the dream of industrial prosperity, the TEDA Automotive Forum has been successfully held for fourteen consecutive years, and has developed into a high-end, high-profile, high-end brand event in the Chinese automotive industry. Converge into a vanguard force to promote the high-quality development of the Chinese automotive industry.

Sailing sails again. In the spring breeze of the new era, China's auto industry is facing an unprecedentedly broad development stage. During the important strategic opportunity period of China's transition from a big automobile country to a strong automobile country, the TEDA Automotive Forum will continue to bring together the elites of all sectors of society The automobile industry has great plans for development and plays a central role in promoting the development of the automobile industry. Together with the entire industry, we will jointly explore a healthy and high-quality development of the automobile industry.



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