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Inner ball cage manufacturers tell you: Hybrids that cant get around will usher in explosive growth


Regarding the dream of “overtaking in corners” of new energy vehicles, from a practical point of view, it is still far from being realized. How should the road of energy conservation and emission reduction be taken? The answer is already self-explanatory. Hybrid power is a foundation that cannot be bypassed anyway subject.

Regardless of the development of industrial technology flow or the constraints outside the industry, there are more and more signs that hybrid electric vehicles are replacing the trend of “new energy” automobile mainstream routes. From industry, business to academia, the voice of hybrid power is getting higher and higher.

Inner ball cage manufacturers tell you: Hybrids that can't get around will usher in explosive growth

Hybrid becomes consensus

What's surprising is that domestic hybrid cars have become a hot topic in the global automotive industry. From Frankfurt to San Francisco, from Tokyo to Stockholm, hybrids have penetrated all aspects of local taxis and private cars. Especially in Japan, the birthplace of hybrids, Prius is everywhere. This is not surprising. Including Prius and its derivative models, Hybrid has been at the top of the local sales list for 3 consecutive years.

As of now, the cumulative global sales of all Toyota hybrid models have exceeded 7.5 million. It should be pointed out that hybrid power is no longer a unique skill of Toyota. European auto companies including Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW have also "converted" under the hybrid door and listed it as the development focus of energy-saving and emission-reducing vehicles.

It can be seen that almost all auto giants in the world have been involved in the hybrid field, and there are more and more hybrid models of various brands, but it must be acknowledged that as a pioneer and adherent of hybrid power, regardless of technological maturity It is still the richness of models, Toyota has an exclusive advantage. It is foreseeable that Toyota, which has seen the dawn of mass adoption, will usher in more gains.

Inner ball cage manufacturers tell you: Hybrids that can't get around will usher in explosive growth

Energy saving is more urgent

If it is said that the domestic acceptance of hybrid vehicles in the past years is still in the tentative stage of wait-and-see and technical genre confrontation, then as the maturity of hybrid technology continues to improve, coupled with the successful popularization of foreign cases first, domestic understanding of hybrids Will enter the stage of rational acceptance. In fact, the acceptance of hybrid power is not just up to the auto industry.

The nationwide haze weather has made the public feel the pain of environmental pollution. Although it is said that automobile emissions are not the primary source of pollution, automobile exhaust is also polluting the air, especially in a congested city like Beijing. When the engine is idle at a stage of congestion, the exhaust emissions occupy a large proportion of automobile emissions. In most cases, reducing vehicle exhaust emissions is an effective way to reduce air pollution.

Inner ball cage manufacturers tell you: Hybrids that can't get around will usher in explosive growth

To a certain extent, the necessity of hybrid vehicles for the domestic vehicle environment is no longer energy saving, but also emission reduction. According to the test results of the Swiss Federal Materials Testing and Research Laboratory, hybrid cars can save 30% of fuel and reduce CO2 emissions by 45% compared with similar cars. For industry authorities and enterprises, from the perspective of reducing pollution, they should also set aside disputes of interests and promote the true industrialization of hybrid models.

Sooner or later

Although hybrids are far from mainstream in the domestic consumer environment, sales of hybrid models are quietly heating up as consumers become more environmentally conscious and their understanding of hybrids is more mature.

Inner ball cage manufacturers tell you: Hybrids that can't get around will usher in explosive growth

Especially in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, consumers have a stronger acceptance of hybrid power. In many Lexus dealerships in Beijing, consumers have shown great interest in hybrid models such as CT200h and ES300h. Jiang Jizhe, executive deputy general manager of Lexus China, also told reporters: "When setting the price, we have considered taking into account For consumers, the later operation and maintenance costs are relatively economical. The more you know, the more you will accept it. "



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