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Shandong Carfree Auto Fittings CO., LTD

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Email: hufs@hufs-auto.com

Address: Dawang Economic Development Zone, Guangrao County, Shandong Province

Tian Heyou, Secretary of the Guangrao County Party Committee, visited Shandong Huifeng Group


On the morning of January 4, 2013, Tian Heyou, secretary of the Guangrao County Party Committee, led the county party committee, the county government, and the principals of various units to visit the new wheel hub unit of Shandong HSBC Group-Dongying Huifeng Auto Parts Co., Ltd.

Wang Wanbin, chairman of Shandong HSBC Group, introduced the basic conditions and investment progress of the visiting county leaders. After listening to Mr. Wang's introduction and report, Secretary Tian made detailed enquiries about product development, technology updates, and markets. And highly praised the achievements of the HSBC Group. The visit of the county leaders gave great encouragement to the construction of the new plant and will better promote the development of the company's new projects.






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