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Shandong Carfree Auto Fittings CO., LTD

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Address: Dawang Economic Development Zone, Guangrao County, Shandong Province

Industry upgrade creates national brand


Industry upgrade creates national brand

The competition of enterprises in the 21st century is, to a certain extent, a competition of corporate brand culture. The main reason why companies with strong cultural foundations have more success and opportunities is that brand culture has helped fuel the flames. The philosopher Nietzsche said: "When the baby first stands up, you will find that it is not his body that makes him stand up, but his mind." Therefore, the brand culture is the brand's mind.

In 2000, Shandong HSBC Auto Parts Co., Ltd. was formally established. At the beginning of its establishment, in terms of capital strength, resource utilization, and product popularity, it did not have the conditions to compete with domestic and foreign established auto parts companies. Taking the old path of others can only be I eat people's leftovers, so I firmly choose to take the road of differentiated development, make high-end products, and go in the high-end market. The goal is to devote itself to global famous brand automotive transmission system solutions, and strive to become an international automotive parts supplier. So far, the company's total assets have reached 1.2 billion yuan, and its comprehensive economic benefits rank first in the industry in the country.

The road of development for more than ten years, among which is the sacrifice, sorrow and joy, which has tasted the hardship and loneliness of being a business, but we have more gained the success and joy of the cause. Today we take this opportunity to share with you.

The healthy development of strong industries in the future must be supported and driven by several well-known brands at home and abroad. It is the general trend to change the way, adjust the structure and rely on technological innovation to realize industrial upgrading. Guangrao mainly focuses on industrial development. For more than ten years, strong industrial clusters such as tires, auto parts, and chemicals have been formed, but the contradiction of excess capacity has become increasingly prominent. Differentiated development and fighting asymmetric wars have always been my development ideas. "Differentiation" refers to being unique and insisting on the concept of differentiated competition in which people have what they have and what they have. When the company was founded, I aimed at the high-end market to break the existing vicious competition. The development of the domestic auto parts industry is still unable to afford product quality. "Low quality, low price" products flood the market, causing dealers to compete with each other and vicious competition. In this way, neither the manufacturing enterprises nor the distributors have profit, so why are there motivations in the business? High-quality products with stable quality and high performance-price ratio are the top choices of current consumer groups. However, the share of foreign auto parts products in the domestic market is still very large, because many domestic companies' product markets are scattered and the scale is too small. Mainly for the secondary parts market supporting production, the products are mainly concentrated in the low-end supply, compared with developed countries and regions in the automotive industry, there is a large gap.

First, the premise of brand building: accurate market positioning.

Target effective customer needs and accurately target markets. Today's era has entered an era of substantial material enrichment, market transformation, and information transparency. The model of monopolistic competition in the traditional economy is gone, and in today's surplus economy, it has entered into open competition. The era is changing, the market is changing, and information is transparent. Information, network, and information have become a platform for everyone to share easily. Under the premise that customers have moved from emotional consumption to rational consumption, they already have a strong bargaining power and a choice Wide range. To make a brand, an enterprise must have the correct thinking positioning. The correct thinking in the new economy is "target-start-process", that is, first of all, determine the positioning of the company and the product, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company itself, and adopt different methods. To integrate and use resources to make up for their shortcomings and achieve the ultimate goal. The boss of an enterprise must have a certain realm and mind to be a brand. The road to branding is a hard road, a persistent road, and a long-term road. It must have a strategy of investing in today, growing in tomorrow, and gaining the day after tomorrow. The thinking, thinking and management must change from business-oriented to business-oriented, short-term behavior to long-term development, copy-type to creative-type, imitator to leader, price war to value war, first big then strong first After the big change.

Second, the key to brand building: up and down desire, common desire and common desire.

"Same desire, common desire and common desire" means that the people participating in the HSBC business chain have a common pursuit and goal is win-win situation; as a brand, an enterprise must ensure market norms, product quality, and high-quality internet. Integrated, based on the customer's position to solve customer difficulties, meet customer needs, and provide value-added services. If you want to succeed in the new economic market and build a brand, you must develop a close relationship with customers, suppliers and business partners, rely on the strength of the team to overcome difficulties, walk hand in hand, from point to face, from face to body The core of the company's network shareholding operation model has formed its own unique cooperative team, holding together to warm up, forming a joint force, resisting risks, and generating strong cohesion and combat effectiveness.

Third, the conditions for brand building: a high starting point and fast action .

"High starting point" refers to making high-end products and leading the industry. The company has formed a mode of combining research and production by combining with BYD Automotive Design and Research Institute, School of Mechanical Engineering of Shandong University, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Qingdao University of Science and Technology, and other relevant domestic colleges and universities and scientific research units. With the high-tech investment, high starting point, and high-quality business philosophy, we introduce advanced production equipment at home and abroad (NC lathes and machining centers in Korea Doosan, EFD heat treatment equipment in Germany, Poyang Beiying CNC grinders, and Jinan Yiheng automatic assembly production line) . Adopting advanced production technology (grinding of ball products; composite grinding using roller dressing method to ensure the geometric accuracy of parts, heat treatment using local intermediate frequency quenching process, which not only improves the product surface rigidity but also ensures the flange connection body. Toughness. Grinding of tapered products; grinding the inner and outer raceways with a single-point trimming convexity, ensuring the reasonableness and reliability of the product load, and thus ensuring the quality of the product. What a cause. This has always been my credo, "Stand high and look far" This is a simple truth, so I have inspected the markets and consumer groups in many countries, and must grasp the pulse of the market because the products are based on The market demands to be produced.

"Fast action" means that the business must respond quickly to the market and the transformation must be fast. “Facing development pressure, enterprises must accelerate the upgrade of the auto parts industry.” Therefore, the auto parts industry in Dawang Town should accelerate the pace of industrial integration in accordance with the principles of large-scale, serialization, and cluster development, and realize the rapid concentration of production factors to finance , Technology, and market as the link, implement the development strategy of combining strong and strong enterprises, supporting weak and strong, and zero matching, promote the benign interaction and cluster development of enterprises, build a "Chinese automobile parts manufacturing base", and form forgings and castings as soon as possible. , Machinery, components and assemblies, engines and vehicles as a whole, actively promote the upgrading of leading product structure. Introduce complete vehicle production projects in a timely manner, improve Dawang Town's automobile manufacturing industry system, and accelerate the development of Dawang Town's auto industry. The development of industry alliances in the auto parts industry is a general trend.

Fourth, the way of brand building: "do quality", "differentiation".

"Being fine" means insisting on refinement of product quality. There are only two types of products in the world, one is branded and the other is unbranded. The so-called brand is word of mouth, which comes from consumers' comprehensive loyalty to the product. Product quality is the life of an enterprise. Consumers who make 100 sets of good bearings may not remember us, but if we make a set of bad bearings, they may lose confidence in us. We must be consistent, adhere to integrity management, and ensure product quality in order to build our reputation.

With the continuous prosperity of people's living standards in China, domestic cars have increasingly occupied a larger car market, and domestic brands have a greater and greater share of the domestic market. With the gradual arrival of the maintenance period for these vehicles, There will also be a large demand for wheel hub bearing units. After expert demonstration and various inspections in 2013, we newly launched a project with an annual output of 10 million sets of high-performance wheel bearing units for passenger cars. This project will begin in April this year. Trial production. After successful trial production, the production technology and equipment level of private enterprises represented by Shandong Huifeng Auto Parts Co., Ltd. will be greatly improved. It will be the first in East China to complete the production process from cutting, heating, wool wheel, heat treatment, machining, inspection, and packaging The production line of automobile wheel bearing units, comprehensively adjusting the product structure of the enterprise, reducing consumption, increasing the economic benefits of the enterprise, and being very beneficial to the development of the regional economy are in line with the basic national policy centering on economic construction, increasing employment opportunities and driving the development of related industries Can provide more development channels for the local economy.

"Differentiation" means taking the path that others have not gone through, seizing opportunities and gaining advantages. This is the magic weapon for business operations. The "power" in Chapter 13 of the Art of War is about its importance. At present, HSBC Auto Parts Co., Ltd. is a large-scale enterprise specializing in the production of ball cage type constant velocity universal joints, drive shaft assemblies , various wheel bearing units and parts. Top 100 Parts Enterprises "," National Auto Parts Export Base Enterprises "and other honorary titles. The company's product support scope covers more than 20 models and more than 1,000 models, including Ford, GM, Chrysler, BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Audi, Honda, etc.

The efforts of HSBC people have been recognized by companies in the industry. The achievement and honor cannot be achieved without the wisdom and sweat of HSBC people. I am very fortunate to have you and me in the same boat, and from the bottom of my heart I truly thank my brothers and sisters, my family and the government leaders who care and support me! Only with your strong support will the HSBC Group be brilliant today. Let us work together to create a better future and make our dreams come true!



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