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Shandong Carfree Auto Fittings CO., LTD

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Email: hufs@hufs-auto.com

Address: Dawang Economic Development Zone, Guangrao County, Shandong Province

Huifeng Group Corporation held


In order to activate the company atmosphere and build a harmonious and dynamic team, on July 15th, the group company organized employees to successfully hold a "hot July basketball friendly game."


A total of five teams participated in the competition. The preliminary match was played in a knockout match and the rematch was played in a round robin system. A total of 5 matches were played. During the game, everyone actively strived for the spirit of “friendship first, game supplementary”. Each team's average score exceeded 30 points, especially the 3-point jumper of each team. The wonderful.


After 5 days of fierce competition, the championship of this basketball game was finally won by the Huifeng 2 team consisting of the second company's turning and milling workshop and the heat treatment workshop. The logistics company of the group company also achieved good results and won the second place.



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