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Shandong Carfree Auto Fittings CO., LTD

Sales contact: 0546-7726758

Recruitment Contact: 0546-7726955

Email: hufs@hufs-auto.com

Address: Dawang Economic Development Zone, Guangrao County, Shandong Province

Secretary of the Dongying Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Dongying visited our company


On January 8, 2016, Shen Changyou, secretary of the Dongying Municipal Party Committee and Zhao Haozhi, mayor of Dongying, came to our Shandong Huifeng Group to inspect and guide the work. Secretary Shen Changyou, accompanied by Chairman Wang of our group, had a thorough and detailed understanding of the production situation and development plan of Dongying Huifeng Auto Parts Co., Ltd., and fully affirmed our company's product quality and production management.

Secretary of the Dongying Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Dongying visited our company

Secretary Shen pointed out that in the context of the global economic depression, Shandong HSBC Group was able to buck the trend, fully explaining the role of technological innovation and its indispensability to promote the development of enterprises. And pointed out that a good management atmosphere and corporate culture atmosphere is an excellent foundation for cultivating scientific and technological innovation. This has been fully reflected in the development history of Shandong HSBC Group. I hope that our company can go further and lead the development of the international auto parts industry.

Secretary of the Dongying Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Dongying visited our company



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