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Shandong Carfree Auto Fittings CO., LTD

Sales contact: 0546-7726758

Recruitment Contact: 0546-7726955

Email: hufs@hufs-auto.com

Address: Dawang Economic Development Zone, Guangrao County, Shandong Province

"Ascend to the horizon and travel with joy"


In March, the spring breeze is warm, the sun is bright, and the vitality is everywhere. At this time of spring, the transmission shaft company organized production line staff representatives to travel to Huanghuaxi in Qingzhou. This is also the starting point of the company's 2018 outdoor picnic.

At 7:30 on March 25, 2018, more than 30 HSBC family members gathered on time and departed from the door of the company by bus. The enthusiasm and enthusiasm of everyone along the way, along with personal solo, poetry recitation, idiom Solitaire and other games, arrived at the destination-Qingzhou Huanghuaxi Scenic Area at 9:30.

"Ascend to the horizon and travel with joy"

Huanghuaxi Scenic Area has beautiful scenery. It is called "North Jiuzhaigou" by tourists, and it is characterized by "cliffs, canyons, waterfalls, and streams." Everyone stepped on the water from the bottom of the valley, along a wooden boardwalk of nearly 1,200 meters, watched the cliff waterfalls in Shandong, and deeply felt the charm of nature's magic.

Huanghuaxi Tour is rewarding. The mountain road is very tired, but the whole process is full of warmth, joy and encouragement. Everyone helps, encourages and supports each other.

"Ascend to the horizon and travel with joy"

At 12:30, everyone had lunch. At 13:15, we set off for the next scenic spot-Tianyuan Valley Scenic Area. Despite the hot weather, everyone visited the attractions in groups of three or five, and some employees climbed to the top of the mountain in a hurry, leaving their footprints at the highest point. Everyone enjoys the beautiful natural scenery and appreciates the beautiful scenery of nature, while not forgetting to take pictures.

"Ascend to the horizon and travel with joy"

Through this spring outing, everyone not only enjoyed the beautiful scenery and relaxed their body and mind; at the same time, employees of various departments helped each other and cooperated actively during the play. I believe that in the next work, the HSBC family will devote themselves to the work with fuller enthusiasm and contribute to the company's vigorous development.



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