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Ordinary CVJ

Product attributes

  • Classification:Drive Shaft
  • Product no. :1558495777
  • Number of visits:123
  • Date of issue:2020-01-06
  • Product overview
  • characteristics
  • Technical parameters

Section type: RF + TJ

Advantages: TJ section is currently the most used section of the drive shaft , but also the most popular and the most mature production section.

product description:

The constant-speed drive shaft on a car is often composed of a universal joint and a drive shaft . It is mainly used to transfer power between two shafts whose relative positions are constantly changing during work. The universal joint drive should ensure that the relative positions of the two connected shafts change within the expected range and can reliably transfer power; ensure that the connected two shafts run as synchronously (at a constant speed) as possible; allow adjacent two shafts to have a certain angle; allow There is some axial movement.

It is mainly used in front-wheel drive, four-wheel drive, and rear-drive cars with independent suspension to evenly transmit the power of the engine to the drive wheels. It can meet the axial telescopic requirements caused by wheel steering and wheel bounce. Through the combination of different sizes and specifications of the mobile end and different sizes, specifications, and types of fixed ends, a high-performance and high-reliability drive shaft assembly product is formed to meet customer needs.

Ordinary joint constant speed drive shaft assembly


Next:Dual frequency CVJ2020-01-06


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